Smell the Difference This Is How to Choose a Commercial Scent Diffuser

Humans are 100 times more likely to remember something we smell versus something we see or hear. A pleasant smell can even inspire shoppers to spend more money.

This is called scent marketing. The right scent can increase retail sales by 11%. If you own a business, you need a commercial scent diffuser for your space.

To learn more about how scent marketing and scent diffusers can increase your bottom line, keep reading below.

What is Scent Marketing?

Scent marketing is a type of marketing that involves using specified scents diffused throughout a store. The scent helps create a memorable shopping experience. Scents are used the same way a business might use music, lighting, and layout in their store.

Our sense of smell is directly linked to emotion and memory. Have you ever smelled something and immediately been transported to an associated emotion or memory.

Scent marketing works the same way. Not only is it enjoyable for clients at the moment, but a nice smell will also make your business more memorable.

For example, consider Cinnabon. Cinnabon has a recognizable smell that brings clients in from across the mall. Even thinking about the smell now probably has you remembering the feeling of being at the food court. That is the power of smell.

Or the now-famous experiment from Nike that showed people were 85% more likely to buy shoes from a scented room. That’s a significant finding!

How to Choose a Commercial Scent Diffuser

It’s clear that scent marketing works. So now you have to decide how to choose the best commercial scent diffuser. A scent diffuser

Think about the size of the space and how strong you want your ambient scent to be. Then check out Aromatech and their large collection on scent diffusers.

Small Spaces

For diffusing fragrances into smaller rooms use a small diffuser like the Aromatech AT-600 BT. This diffuser is Bluetooth controlled and can be wall-mounted. You can also use smaller diffusers to scent a  specific spot in your business, like right by a display case.

Medium Spaces

For spaces 1000 square feet or fewer use a medium-sized diffuser. A cold-air diffuser that uses filtered air instead of water or heat to disperse your scent works best. Try the best-selling AroMini BT.

Large Spaces

If you need a scent diffuser for large spaces Aromatech has you covered. Their HVAC diffusers can be installed into your business HVAC system to scent an entire area with ease. These systems are silent but powerful. A large scent diffuser will be a game-changer for your space.

Getting Started

Our sense of smell can trigger good feelings and happy memories. The right smell in your business can inspire clients to spend more. With the right commercial scent diffuser, you can benefit from the power of scent marketing.

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