Career Mentor

Does it sometimes feel like you’ve stalled out in your career?

Believe it or not, this isn’t an uncommon experience. After all, you might have chosen the wrong career for your personality or you’ve simply plateaued and need a new challenge.

Fortunately, this article can help.

Here we take a look at how to find a career mentor who can provide the counsel needed to rise about these rough patches. Keep reading to learn a mentor can be the ultimate tool in your professional development.

Determine Exactly What You Need

Clearly define your goals. The more you understand what you want your future to look like, the easier it will be to find the perfect individual to guide you along the way. 

Keep in mind that 52% of people are planning to change careers this year alone. The key is to use the wisdom of a mentor to make the most of your next career choice.

Look for Someone With Years of Experience

Experience matters. That’s why you should choose a mentor with years of experience in your industry. 

It can be extremely helpful to use a service that can easily match you with the perfect mentor for your specific career goals. Here’s a tremendous resource for locating professional coaching and mentoring.

Personality Is Important

Just because you are looking for a mentor to help take your career to the next level doesn’t mean that you should overlook their personality. In fact, finding the right personality can make a huge difference in the quality of your relationship with a mentor.

That’s why it’s so important to meet them for coffee and have a casual conversation before deciding whether you want any given individual to be your career coach.

Be Professional

Developing a mentor/mentee relationship might be the start of a lifelong friendship, but you should treat your mentor with professional respect. In other words, don’t treat them like a buddy from high school or college.

This means you need to watch your language, respect their time, and keep the conversation focused on your professional goals.

Be Patient

It’s important to understand that you might not find the perfect mentor to advance your career needs right away. In fact, it could take weeks or months. The key is to not settle for someone who won’t provide the type of counsel you’re looking for.

Ensure the mentor you select challenges you and shares your values. If your prospective mentor is already in your network, you may know a little about how they operate. 

A Guide to Finding a Career Mentor

When it comes to getting ahead in life, it’s hard to do it alone. That’s why finding the perfect career mentor is such a crucial part of your professional development.

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