Many of the big companies and also small business organizations are these days using the virtual phone system. Earlier managing business calls were difficult for the business organizations, due to inefficient phone system. And the small business organization used their phone numbers as their business phone numbers. So, this all led to total chaos in managing the call system. Due to lack of storage space in the mobile phones, and using the system and other devices simultaneously, this all created confusion, and also proper phone call records were difficult to acquire. People used call recording apps, which has limited space and some records needed to be deleted to accommodate space for new call records, etc. were the problems.
Call Analytics Feature of Virtual Phone System
But all of these problems can be still solved with the use of a virtual phone system. The virtual phone system has an important feature that is call analytics in which the company can get all the details of the calls like call history, call recording, and call timing, caller details, etc. mailed in the e-mail. Another important feature is the number porting where you can port your existing business phone number with another service provider into a virtual phone system or number. Then, there is a call routing option where the business calls in one particular number can be routed to office executives. For instance, executive A is busy on one call, and then calls coming to executive A, on getting a busy line will be routed to executive B.
Call Splitting Options for Important Calls
Then, there is a call diversion option, which is more like call splitting in which you can receive calls according to the importance. So, if you are getting important business calls for instance, for an urgent meeting with another branch office, then you can receive the calls on your phone. And if you get a call related to product queries or information from an office staff which you feel can be managed by other office people then you can divert that number or split it according to the number of that office executive. There is also an on-hold music option where the callers can hold the phone and be engaged listening to music if the line is busy. This will prevent them from hanging up.
Choose the Best Service Provider for Virtual Phone System
To get the best virtual phone system service provider you can choose talkroute alternative services provider and also check the reviews online and compare the cost. The cost of a virtual phone system service provider is affordable according to the features and plans, including the PBX system, VoIP system, and PSTN system whichever your company chooses. You can count on, and use these phone systems for medical offices and other businesses. In a virtual phone system, there is no need for the installation of hardware and you can also port your existing phone number. In a PSTN system, you may not need an internet connection for using a virtual phone system and you can check online. There is also a feature in the virtual phone system like the auditory section in which there is a list of explanations for the callers like greeting them, appreciating them for keeping on hold and showing their patience, and further assisting them with direct call transfer to the executive.