7 Careers in Gaming for You to Consider

An estimated three billion people worldwide play video games on a regular basis. From smartphone apps to blockbuster hits on a console, video games are a major pastime for countless people.

The people who are most passionate about the gaming industry are always looking for career options that revolve around gaming. After all, everyone wants to get paid to do something they love, right?

Are you looking for careers in gaming, so you can blend the lines of career and passion? You’re in luck. There are many job opportunities, regardless of your skillset, to work in the gaming world.

Keep reading below to find your new job today. 

1. Professional Gamer

This is what everyone wants to hear when they think about a career opportunity in gaming. So we’ll get it out of the way first.

Making a living by actually playing your favorite games is possible. But it’s one in a million. It’s like hoping to play in the NBA or NFL.

Only a small number of people actually get to do it, even though hundreds of millions of kids dream about it, work towards it, and give it their best shot.

Still, if you’re exceptional at games, there’s no reason not to try. It requires daily dedication and practicing the games that offer professional opportunities.

This means competitive games, such as sports or shooter games. 

Some gamers are able to make a part-time income as competitive gamers, making around $10K or $20K per year. The really good ones can make much more through sponsorships and winnings from tournaments. 

2. Streamer

Maybe you’re not the best player in the world but still want to get paid to play. If you have a likable personality, you could become a streamer. Streaming is big business these days.

It’s crazy how many people will tune in to watch you play video games. 

Streaming is essentially the gaming version of working as an Instagram or Tik Tok influencer. You play games, but you’re really creating content. That means engaging with people to build a loyal following.

In turn, you can get paid by sponsors and affiliates, depending on how many people tune in to your channel on a regular basis. 

Just like competitive gaming, you need to put in a lot of time and effort before you ever make a dime. And that dime isn’t guaranteed. You’ll be competing with thousands and thousands of other streamers to get eyeballs on your content.

So you’ll need to have a strong personality that draws people in. 

3. Retail Sales

If you’re young and are looking for an entry-level job in the gaming world, you can work at a gaming retailer. While many have gone out of business in recent years, some are still holding strong.

Working as a sales associate allows you to learn about all the latest games, make recommendations, and help customers find their new favorite games and accessories.

Those committed to the retail environment can move up into management positions, make a decent living, and just talk about and think about video games. Oh, and don’t forget all the discounts you’ll get. 

Why is this job better suited to younger individuals? You’ll work weekends and often work late, as stores might stay open until 8:00 PM.

It’s a great opportunity to get your foot in the door of the gaming world and can lead to other opportunities beyond the retail environment. 

4. Game Tester

If you want to get paid to play, but also want to have a real job, then you can try working as a game tester. You essentially provide quality assurance (QA) for games that are in development. 

The goal is to play these new games extensively, trying to identify any problems or bugs so that the developers can fix them before launching them to the public. 

There’s a lot more to it than simply playing a video game. But it’s a fulfilling job for many. 

5. Art and Design

Like to create? Video games revolve around art and graphics. The visual component is vital to the success of a game.

Whether you are interested in graphic design, working to create marketing materials for video games, or you want to create the landscapes, characters, and artwork for the game itself, there is a lot of opportunity for artists and designers.

Plus, you get to enjoy the fact that thousands, even millions of people are enjoying your work.

6. Animation

Graphics are only effective if they move properly. Along with the art itself, video games are dependent on animators to make everything move and function fluidly.

Almost everything needs to be animated, from characters to the landscape, tools, weapons, water, and much more. As an animator, you’ll be part of a team of people looking to bring a game to life. 

If you’re still in school, you can likely find courses related to this specific skill set. Otherwise, you can get started on your own with these online courses in animation.

7. Programmers and Developers

Programmers and developers are the people that make everything work. They write the code that powers the entire gaming experience.

What happens when you press this button or open this door, or fall off that cliff? The results are the result of the programming that goes into the game.

Programming is a highly technical skill. But it’s one that pays accordingly. If you want to work in the gaming industry but make a high level of income, consider becoming a programmer. 

C++ and Java are two of the most important programming languages in the gaming sector. But they’re used widely in many other industries as well.

By getting a degree in computer science and learning these languages, you’ll always have a high-demand skill that will net a healthy paycheck, whether you work in gaming or move on to a new industry. 

Search for Careers in Gaming Today

Careers in gaming are abundant. This just scratches the surface. Game development companies are often large organizations. 

They have everything from a corporate leadership team to a marketing team, sales and customer support to HR, and a dev team. Whatever skillset you bring to the table, there’s likely a place for it in the gaming world.

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