To live a healthy life our lungs and heart play a significant role. You can’t avoid your major body organs when it comes to living a quality of life. These major body organs demand a balanced diet, care, and lubrication to function 24/7. Lack of such compounds can let you fall into serious health issues.

With increasing climate change and industrial states, we can see how much air has become polluted these days. You inhale toxic elements regularly that can cause damage to your respiratory organs or tract. Damage to the heart and lungs leads to hundreds of deaths every year.

The function of the lungs is to filter the air to transform it further. People with harmful toxin exposure suffer from coughing, watery eyes, breathing shortness, etc.

When I was in a conference with a lung surgeon in Lahore, he discussed the natural gifts of herbs that are really effective in fighting against the toxin elements in the air.

In this article, you will find out about the natural gifts of herbs to boost your lung’s health.

Proven Herbs to Improve Respiratory Health 

  1. Pippali 

To deal with common respiratory woes, we should use a pippali herb that is a powerful ingredient to boost lung health. What are its functions?

Pippali works best to treat the inflammation and clear the mucus. You can also get rid of nasal congestion by boiling milk with little pippali. It can help you deal with the cold. If you and your loved ones are suffering from mucus, use the pippali herb as it can give you remarkable results to improve your respiratory system.

  1.  Wild Black Cherry and Chokecherry

To cope up with lung disease, wild black cherry and chokeberry are the best elements to consider. But you cannot find or grow them as they only grow in the disturbed soils like forest edges and yards after wildfires, logging, etc.

Prune its branches up to 1 inch in diameter by shaving off the bark. Such herb usage calms the spasms and allows your lungs to open. You can have its tea.

  1. Vasaka

Vasaka leaves are very useful to heal the ayurvedic respiratory system. It is also known as the Adhatoda vasica or Malabar. You can use it to eliminate the excess phlegm from the throat and improve lung condition. If you want to get rid of cough, you should add Vasaka to your daily diet plan. It will also work to get relieved from cold signs and cough.

  1. Astragalus

Chinese have been using Astragalus in their medicines for many years to improve lung health. Its function is to lubricate the lungs and strengthen your immune systems. Its immune-boosting properties will allow your lungs to fight against the toxin elements in the air and treat the common cold, flu infections, and many allergies. It also kills the cell-damaging elements and leaves your lungs healthy.

  1. Mulleins

For thousands of years, people have been using the Mulleins herbs to boost lung health. You can use its dry leaves to make a tea that is very beneficial for pulmonary functions.

You can use it in different ways, such as infuse it in oil, steep it in hot water, etc. Such herbs do not allow the toxins to damage your cells and also eliminate the risk of shortness of breath.

Herbs are natural gifts that you can get easily, and they are also not expensive. Thoracic surgeons reveal that we all should follow a healthy diet plan to help our body function well. 

Let’s learn about the lung-friendly healthy diet.

  • Beets
  • Peppers
  • Pumpkins
  • Orange Juice
  • Green tea
  • Apple
  • Lean Protein
  • Turmeric
  • Blueberries


Experts from Aziz medical center say that people do not take care of their lungs while it is crucial for body organs to live a healthy life. You should learn about the natural things that support lung power because they have no side effects. Several lung diseases can affect your life and also affect other parts of the body.